
OFweek太阳能光伏网 中字

  Blaubeuren, November 24, 2011 – centrotherm photovoltaics公司的两大主要光伏设备“c.FIRE”和“GP ISO-TEST. Waf”荣获2012年iF产品设计奖。“c.FIRE”快烧炉和“GP ISO-TEST.Waf”晶圆检测工具的设计、功能、创新性以及环保性都非常出色,让国际评审团印象深刻。

  The “c.FIRE“ fast firing furnace, in which the front and rear contacts are burned into wafers at high temperatures, is the latest generation of the established fast firing furnace and is characterized by its compact design. Besides this footprint, the installation and maintance systems have been further optimized in order to reduce the operating costs for solar cell producers. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that arise during the burning process were also taken into account: VOC treatment was fully integrated into the restructured housing, thereby enabling any solvents that are emitted to be fed back on a reliable and energy-efficient basis.

  The new “c.FIRE“ fast firing furnace also impressed a Taiwanese customer. Within a few weeks the equipment was installed, ramped-up and had passed the site acceptance test.


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